Shipping Policy

What are the delivery charges?
We provide free shipping over Rs 499/- of purchase.

if the cart value is less than 499/- then we charge flat Rs 50/- shipping.

What is the estimated delivery time?
All the Items are dispatched within 24-48 Hours after placing the order, it will be delivered in 5-7 days from the order date. For designs with size options, please select the required size and the current delivery estimate will be displayed below availability message. 

How do we handle the logistics?

We send all packages via reputed couriers such as Delhivery, Blue Dart, First Flight, etc. 

What about warranty and hidden costs (taxes etc.)?

There are no extra taxes or hidden costs. The price mentioned on the website is the final price including of all applicable taxes. What you see is what you pay! Our prices include applicable taxes. 

How do I track my shipment?
El Regalo uses only credible logistics partners. We notify our customers via a shipment confirmation email within 24 hours of dispatching the product(s). This shipping confirmation email will have the couriers’ tracking number and the link for tracking.